Hello, welcome to San Diego Print Installer, my name is Aaron Snyder. I have been involved in all aspects of the print and sign industry since 1998. I now work for Option D Graphics, LLC in prepress, production and installation roles. I have always offered my installation services to other companies and individuals.
What sets me apart from other installation companies is honesty, transparency, the ability to work quickly and safely, while providing a quality service. I do not want your customers business, just yours. I bring my own tools, ladders, saftey harness, hardhat, even cones, whatever the job entails, I try to be prepared. I come ready to work! Most of the companies I work for give me a shirt to wear during the installations I do for them or I wear a blank tee shirt. I take pictures of my completed work to share with you and can collect a check to bring back to you if needed. I can also provide site surveys along with consultation services to make the work run smoothly. If your client asks for more work, I let you know so you can work with them, I'm only an installer, not a client stealer!
Option D Graphics, LLC does not exist to your client, only to you for billing and insurance purposes. Option D has a $1M auto/commercial insurance policy. We can provide insurance certificates & adt'l insured if needed. I am not a contractor but have a couple great leads to C-45 contractors(Sign Electrical). I can work days, nights, even weekends. I perfer to work in San Diego County, however I have done many installations in both Orange and Los Angeles Counties too. I have so many pictures of completed jobs, however, they are for my clients to see and show their clients, not for me to share to the public. Sorry! Refferals avaliable upon request. Request a quote so we can work together.